Wish List

We have many exciting things going on at Big Sandy Camp! God is at work and we are watching to see what He has in store for us in the days ahead. We have got a few things on our wish list that we are hoping to purchase as the funding comes in. If there is something on this list that you are interested in donating to the ministry, or if you know someone who would be interested, please let us know so that we can work together to continue to improve Big Sandy Camp!

Our Current Wish List

  • Forestry mulcher attachment
  • Low ropes expansion
  • 12 or 15 passenger van
  • Enclosed trailer
  • 12 chapel microphones
  • 4 stand-up paddle boards and paddles
  • Polaris Ranger 1000 XP
  • Deck boat (or equivalent) to pull tubers; 12-14 person capacity

If you have any questions or want to learn more about Big Sandy Camp’s needs, contact Doug Parkinson at 218-460-7959 or send an email to doug@bigsandycamp.org

God has been providing for Big Sandy Camp in some incredible ways for many years. In the past few years He has been working through our ‘Wish List’. As we have let our camp family know of needs at camp, you have responded beyond our imaginations!

In 2015 because of our “Wish List” campaign we were able to make significant upgrades to our kitchen. The process of cooking and serving food at camp is now safer and faster because of supporters like you!

In the past two years, through our wish list we have:

  • ATVPurchased a used skid steer
  • Received a brand new Polaris Ranger
  • Upgraded the Camp dishwasher
  • Replaced a furnace in Oak Lodge
  • Replaced kitchen racks and shelving
  • Purchased a new industrial griddle
  • Received new camera gear
  • Added new stainless steel tables in the kitchen
  • Obtained maintenance equipment including power tools
  • Replaced our old (1950’s) convection oven
  • Added more Broomball equipment

Sometimes it’s about people stepping up with the funding, other times it’s about knowing someone who is looking for ways to bless a vibrant ministry like BSC. Whether you are partially funding a project or purchasing an item in full for camp, it is greatly appreciated!

To those that have been helping us out, thank you!


  • All of our vehicles continue to rack up the miles, so a ¾ ton 4WD pickup, a mini-van and another ½ ton pickup are all vehicles that camp is searching for
  • We continue to look for flat screen TV’s to be used in Birch Lobby, above the snackshop and in our smaller meeting rooms - 5x $450 each
  • We need to replace some of the Mic’s in the chapels - 5x $100 each
  • Oak Lodge and Lakeview Lodge need P-Tac Air Conditioning Units in each room-like we have in Birch lodge - 25 rooms $1,000 each
  • Post hole digger attachment for our skid steer - $2,500
  • Stump grinder attachment for our skid steer - $4,500
  • Screw driver, socket and wrench sets
  • “Rigid” brand portable power tools & batteries
  • Small light-weight Stihl chainsaw for trimming branches - $450
  • E-Z Dock floating dock sections
  • 4 more Stand-up paddle boards and paddles - $500 each